Approximate Distance from Tulsa: 1 hour 15 minutes Approximate Distance from Oklahoma City: 1 hour 30 minutes FROM OKC take 1-40 east to Okemah. Go right(south)from Okemah on State Hwy.27 approx.10 miles. After seeing the Green Hughes County sign, take the first left(east)onto road EW119.5 Come down the hill and Continue a little over 1/2 mile until you come to a limestone rock with iron gate entrance. FROM TEXAS take Hwy.75 North to Wetumka, take a left-hand turn going West on Hwy. 9, go several miles to Hwy. 27 and turn right going North several miles to Rd. 119.5 and make a right turn(East) come down the hill and continue approx. 1/2 mile to the entrance (on the right) which will have a limestone rock entrance with an iron gate.